INSPIRATION May 1 , 2 From Despair to Hope in Haiti 海地农民绝地重生 Making once-arid lands fertile and poor farmers into money-makers 旱地再次肥沃,贫农重获生机 COMMUNICATION May 3 , 4 Poor Communication Is Costing You Money 沟通不良害你损失金钱 How do communication skills impact your bottom line? 沟通技巧如何影响你的盈亏? TRAVEL May 6 , 7 Underrated European Museums 被低估的欧洲博物馆 Don’t overlook these fascinating museums in Europe 别忽略了欧洲这些迷人的博物馆 ANIMALS May 8 , 9 For the Birds 拯救鸟儿 Cracking down on the illegal bird-trafficking industry 打击非法禽鸟走私 SOCIETY May 10 , 11 Is a Four-Day Workweek in Your Future? 周休三日,可能吗? Experts insist that the rise of AI could lead to more leisure for everyone 专家强调,人工智能兴起可以让大家有更多闲暇时间 NEWS May 13 , 14 , 15 NEWSworthy Clips 新闻剪辑 Update your vocabulary with news clips from around the world 阅读新闻集锦,提升字汇能力 CAREER May 16 , 17 , 18 Sample Lesson Women in the Workplace 范例 文章 职场女性 Battling the obstacles that working women face 对抗职业女性面对的拦阻 HISTORY May 20 , 21 A Treasure Hunter’s $7.5 Million Discovery 慧眼识至宝,骨董商发现市值七百五十万美元宝藏 An overlooked map turns out to be a 14th-century treasure 无人问津的地图,竟是十四世纪宝物 TECHNOLOGY May 22 , 23 An Innovative Treatment for Adult ADHD 成人过动症创新疗法 One company’s video game could be a drug-free solution for adults with ADHD 对于成年过动症患者而言,一家公司的电玩可能是不必服药的选项 TRENDS May 24 , 25 Different Cultures, Different Generations 不同文化,不同世代 How to reach across the gaps 如何弥缝代沟 PEOPLE May 27 , 28 More Than a Survivor 不仅是位幸存者 At the place of her healing, a cancer victim seeks a deeper identity 一位癌症患者,在痊愈之地寻求更深的身份认同 HOBBIES May 29 , 30 , 31 Who Took This Picture? 谁拍了这张照片? Bringing the human element back to photography 让人的元素回归摄影 |